
Emre Erol

(216) 483 9264
Personal Web
Faculty Member

Leiden University - PhD, September 2014 Sabanci University - MA, September 2009 Sabanci University - BA, September 2007

Areas of Interest
Economic and social history of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey, European-Ottoman (Turkish) encounters and diplomacy, personal histories and ego-documents of the Young Turks (the Unionists and Kemalists), history of migrations in the Ottoman Empire with special focus on the Balkans and Western Anatolia in the late Ottoman period, history of socialisms and nationalisms in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, history of port-towns and port-cities in the Eastern Mediterranean, history of capitalism in the Eastern Mediterranean, democratization in Turkey, comparative world history (special focus on Greece and Turkey), history of technologies (special focus on computer games), theories and methodology in humanities.
  • Sabancı University Teaching Awards 2021 / Üniversite Dersleri Kategorisi - Sabancı University  2021
  • Sabancı University 2016– 2017 Academic Year Teaching Awards
    Category: First Year University Courses Award 2 (Auditorium Courses)
    Rank: First - Sabancı University  2017
Middle East Studies Association (MESA) / USA The Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) / Germany
  • Article
    Erol, Emre (2024) "The Ottoman legacy of the connected histories of demographic engineering: the case of the Ottoman Greeks of western Anatolia". Published Online First
    Erol, Emre (2023) "Dijital beşerî bilimlerin "kara kutusu"", Toplumsal Tarih, Vol.352, 44-48 (NA)
    Erol, Emre (2023) "You say "muhacir" and I say "mübadil"", The Lausanne Project (NA)
    Erol, Emre (2022) "The founding generations' representatives in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (1920–50): visualizing and analyzing the refugee experience with digital humanities", Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, Vol.9, No.2, 97-101 (NA)
    Erol, Emre (2018) "Erik Jan Zürcher'in emekliliğinin onuruna Türkiye Tarihyazımında Farklı Kuşaklar Konferansı", Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, Vol.2018, No.299, 18-19 (NA)
  • Book
    Erol, Emre, Foçateyn: Foça'nın büyük dönüşümü, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, March 2023
  • Book Section / Chapter
    Erol, Emre, "Solidarity and diversity: the Gezi protests", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, Yenen, Alp and Zürcher, Erik-Jan (eds.), Leiden: Leiden University Press, October 2023, 489-494
    Erol, Emre, "A glimpse into policies on spirits: alcohol percentages in Rakı production", A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments, Yenen, Alp and Zürcher, Erik-Jan (eds.), Leiden: Leiden University Press, October 2023, 85-90
    Erol, Emre, "1920'den 1950'ye Türkiye'yi temsil eden kurucu kuşakların biyografik özellikleri ve görev süreleri arasındaki ilişki üzerine: göçmenlik örneği", Türkiye Siyasetinin Sınırları: Siyasal Davranış, Kurumlar ve Kültür - Ersin Kalaycıoğlu'na Armağan, Çarkoğlu, Ali and Erdoğan, Emre and Moral, Mert (eds.), İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, January 2023
  • Before SU Publications


    The Ottoman Crisis in Western Anatolia: Turkey’s Belle Époque and the Transition to a Modern Nation State,  (London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2016).

    Book Chapter

    “‘Macedonian Question’ in Western Anatolia: The Ousting of the Ottoman Greeks before the World War I” in World War I and the End of the Ottoman World: From the Balkan Wars to the Armenian Genocide (London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2015).

    “Balkan Savaşları: Mülteciler, Muhacirler ve Şiddet” (Balkan Wars: Exiles, Refugees and Violence) in 1915: Siyaset, Tehcir, Soykırım (1915: Politics, Force Migration, Genocide), (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2015).

    Article in Journal 

    “Makedonya Sorunu’nun Batı Anadolu’ya Sıçrayışı ve 1914 Rum Tehciri,” (The Spread of the Macedonian Question over Western Anatolia and the Ousting of the Ottoman Greek in 1914) Toplumsal Tarih 252(2014): 58-65.

    “Eski Foça’nın  ‘Kara Haziran’ı,” (Eski Foça’s ‘Dark June’) Toplumsal Tarih 248(2014): 86-90.

    “Organized Chaos as Diplomatic Ruse and Demographic Weapon: The Expulsion of the Ottoman Greeks (Rum) from Foça, 1914,” TSEG (The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History) 4 (2013), 66-96. 

    “An Ottoman Town in Turmoil: a multidimensional analysis of the events in Eski Foça (Παλαιά Φώκαια) on the period of Summer 1914,” Cahiers Balkaniques 40 (2011): 199-226.


    Erik Jan Zürcher, “İttihatçıların Makedonya kökenlerinin 1914 sonrası politikaları açısından önemi: Makedonyalılar Anadolu'da” (Macedonians in Anatolia: The Importance of the Macedonian Roots of the Unionists for their Policies in Anatolia after 1914) Toplumsal Tarih 276 (2016): 30-41.