Leiden Üniversitesi - Doktora, Eylül 2014 Sabancı Üniversitesi - Master, Eylül 2009 Sabancı Üniversitesi - Lisans, Eylül 2007
The Ottoman Crisis in Western Anatolia: Turkey’s Belle Époque and the Transition to a Modern Nation State, (London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2016).
Kitap bölümü
“‘Macedonian Question’ in Western Anatolia: The Ousting of the Ottoman Greeks before the World War I” in World War I and the End of the Ottoman World: From the Balkan Wars to the Armenian Genocide (London & New York: I.B. Tauris, 2015).
“Balkan Savaşları: Mülteciler, Muhacirler ve Şiddet” (Balkan Wars: Exiles, Refugees and Violence) in 1915: Siyaset, Tehcir, Soykırım (1915: Politics, Force Migration, Genocide), (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2015).
Süreli Yayınlarda makale
“Makedonya Sorunu’nun Batı Anadolu’ya Sıçrayışı ve 1914 Rum Tehciri,” (The Spread of the Macedonian Question over Western Anatolia and the Ousting of the Ottoman Greek in 1914) Toplumsal Tarih 252(2014): 58-65.
“Eski Foça’nın ‘Kara Haziran’ı,” (Eski Foça’s ‘Dark June’) Toplumsal Tarih 248(2014): 86-90.
“Organized Chaos as Diplomatic Ruse and Demographic Weapon: The Expulsion of the Ottoman Greeks (Rum) from Foça, 1914,” TSEG (The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History) 4 (2013), 66-96.
“An Ottoman Town in Turmoil: a multidimensional analysis of the events in Eski Foça (Παλαιά Φώκαια) on the period of Summer 1914,” Cahiers Balkaniques 40 (2011): 199-226.
Erik Jan Zürcher, “İttihatçıların Makedonya kökenlerinin 1914 sonrası politikaları açısından önemi: Makedonyalılar Anadolu'da” (Macedonians in Anatolia: The Importance of the Macedonian Roots of the Unionists for their Policies in Anatolia after 1914) Toplumsal Tarih 276 (2016): 30-41.